All posts by “Rajeev Mantri

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Food Stamps For Food Security

Harsh and I have co-authored a piece on bringing efficiency and quality to food welfare: Building on this broad political consensus, the Union government could design a comprehensives program that provides food security to India’s masses in the form of…

If you need a machine and don’t buy it, you’ll pay for it and won’t have it.

Henry Ford

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Fund Students, Not Schools

Harsh and I have co-authored a piece on why public funding in education should go to students, not schools: Poor parents also have voted with their small pockets and have said no to a “free” government option, because they know…

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Free Speech Absolutism

Harsh and I have co-authored a piece on the importance of absolute, unconstrained free speech: Free speech is about preventing the state both from forcing individuals to remain silent and from forcing individuals to say something they do not want…

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The Global Innovation Challenge

Rising unemployment and income disparity has shaken democracies across the Western world in the last year. Unemployment among young people in particular has been persistent and pervasive — the United States saw the highest ever youth unemployment in 2011, and…